Forums / Roleplaying / The World of Opylin

The World of Opylin
17:02:02 Aug 2nd 08 - Mr. Killer:

*The young Quallit flittered low just above the few "bushes" in the sparse landscape. Hunting its prey was no easy task, or at least finding it. Its bat-like wings beat furiously to keep it aloft, despite the humid air. It espied some water to drink, few creatures lived without it. Yet this was not the water we would be used to, with two hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom, it was in fact heavy water(deuterium and oxygen), and the living creatures of earth would mostly die in a day or two having drunk it. Not that it itself was poisonous(though in fact, in a way it is to creatures of earth, but they die a far quicker death then from drinking pure heavy water), just the many things which mingled with it, as it was not as stable as ordinary water. Why it is mostly heavy water upon this planet I do not know. Anyway, I'm sure you don't care, and I shall return to the story.
            The Quallit hovered above the water briefly before extending suckers and drinking a large quantity of water. The Quallit's name, in case you are interested, is Rylon. At least, the name I have given to it, for its name I could not actually write in the Latin letters. He was searching for Quals, the creature for which its name is derived. Though nothing like them, it is their only source of food. The Quals are fat little creatures, and they get their energy to move from sound, through a long and complicated process. The Quallit flew with its three "legs" behind him, used for grappling and steering more than for moving about on ground. They had odd shaped fins on the end of them, to propel them forward through the air. One was longer than the other. The Quallit had no other noticable features, a flat head with a nose, a hole for ingesting things through its suckers(beside the mouth, hanging down), an eye(not a common sense for Opilians), which was large and was much more complicated than the human eye, and could spot a Qual a mile away. Its large ears fanned itself, the baking heat of the three stars("suns") was nothing to laugh about. It was also completely black, for what reason I don't know, but it hindered its hunting not, though attracted heat. It found its target, and glided in for the kill, screeching loudly to stiffen the Qual with fear, almost killing it with newfound energy. It swooped and landed near the Qual, quickly sucking it up, and searching for more, for there was never a Qual a hermit. It found more, and timed attacking to precision, they had bought time to escape, but not for long.
             I should have mentioned, Quallits can time movements very well, almost an extra sense, and go with suitable trajectories with which to catch their prey. And caught them it did, and it soon flew away its hunger satisfied. It was headed towards its home, and I fear I soon lost track, and cannot tell any more of its tale, at least for now...*

[Alright, you can't sign up or anything, but I want someone to help me create the creatures. Just send me a message, titled "The World of Opylin", and put in your description of a creature. Please make it original, and I will pick one of the whoever sent a message to help me. I'll make it into an RP if you want. I'll wait a few days and hopefully get more than zero messages...]

18:34:37 Aug 2nd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

[If no one messeges you a good one after a day, just tell me and Ill make something fun....I need to work on my stories getting lazy] O_o

18:35:03 Aug 2nd 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

[[OOC: I already sent him one.]]

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